
 "Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it. 
Boldness has genius, power and magic in it"  
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

A PhD is something I have thought about for a very long time. 

Recently I read a quote that went something like "to do a PhD you either have to be crazy or crazy about your subject". Whilst I may indeed have touches of the former I certainly have the latter.

I find the vocabulary of my thoughts about the idea of researching and reading enough to earn that title 'Doctor of Philosophy' quite revealing. I have heard others talk about 'needing' or 'wanting' a PhD, about 'getting' or 'finishing' a PhD to complete their C.V. or about a PhD as a magic key to a wonderful world of secure employment and the warm balm of admiration from their peers.

My thinking always has, and still does, run on a different track. 

For me a PhD has been framed as something meaningful to do in order to add to what we collectively know: and to be meaningful that knowledge has to help make the world a better place.

At this point in 2017 'fake' news abounds and so many things about how we thought the world worked appear to be unravelling. Trust in public institutions, business, charities and the media is falling. An appetite for "authenticity" is rising and there is rhetoric about the need for a "return to values". Writers claim that where there is clear purpose and shared values organisations of any and indeed every type will perform better than places where the water is muddy. As a values practitioner I find this seductive stuff and while these claims are resonant of my experience I cannot claim to have my own 'proof'.

Now we arrive at the heart of the matter.

Among my personal priority values there are two particular powerful, emotionally rich and energy laden, big ideas that combine to make the thought of undertaking a PhD something upon which it is now time to act.

One is 'Decision/Initiation' - taking personal responsibility for setting direction and initiating action.
The second is 'Congruence' - aligning my words, actions and deeds with my beliefs.

I believe that the people of the place know what really matters in how the work is done for best effect. I believe that through stories those people share with one another ways of doing things that, over time, become culture. I believe that top down statements of values are well meant and can be better than nothing but they are not as good as harnessing the wisdom of the collective. I believe that by gathering and exploring stories we can crystallise what people know really matters, realign work to be more meaningful and make the world a better place.

And so it begins......


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